Privacy Notice

Protection of Personal Information Act.

The Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPI”) governs all aspects of processing of Personal Information. POPI gives effect to the constitutional right to Privacy and provides for eight conditions for lawful processing of Personal Information. POPI establishes certain rights and remedies in safeguarding Personal Information.
For any information pertaining to the Supertech Privacy Policy please contact us in writing at or by calling our Customer Contact Centre on 031-702-0271

The Supertech Group Privacy Statement covers Supertech Group (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number 2016/133986/07), including any of its subsidiaries and Supertech Group (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number: 2016/133986/07). Supertech Group takes your privacy and the protection of your personal information very seriously, and we will only use your personal information in accordance with this Statement and Applicable Laws. You hereby indemnify and hold Supertech Group and its affiliates harmless from any loss, damages or injury that you may incur as a result of any unintentional disclosures of your personal information to unauthorised persons or the provision of incorrect or incomplete personal information to Supertech Group.

What is the Supertech Group Privacy Statement?

This Statement sets out how your personal information will be used by Supertech Group and applies to any information, including personal and special personal information, that you give to Supertech Group, or which Supertech Group may collect from third parties.

It is important that you read this Statement carefully before submitting any personal information to Supertech Group.
By submitting any personal information to Supertech Group you provide consent to the processing of your personal information as set out in this Statement.

The provisions of this Statement are subject to mandatory, unalterable provisions of Applicable Laws.
Please do not submit any personal information to Supertech Group if you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Statement. If you do not consent to the provisions of this Statement, or parts of the Statement, Supertech Group may not be able to provide its products and services to you.

Important Terms:

"Applicable Laws" means local, foreign, and international laws, regulations, treaties and codes, for example the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001, the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
" Supertech Group " or "we" means Supertech Group (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number 2016/133986/07), including any of its subsidiaries and. To obtain more information on these subsidiaries please look at our Legal Notice
" Supertech Group Affiliate" means a particular entity within Supertech Group.
"Client" or "you" means any prospective, new or existing client of any Supertech Group Affiliate.

Can this Privacy Statement be amended?

We may amend this Statement from time to time for any of the following reasons:

  • to provide for the introduction of new systems, methods of operation, services, products, property offerings or facilities.
  • to reflect an actual or expected change in market conditions or general services or practices;
  • to comply with changes to any Applicable Laws;
  • to ensure that this Statement is clearer and more favourable to you;
  • to rectify any mistake that might be discovered from time to time; and/or
  • for any other reason which Supertech Group, in its sole discretion, may deem reasonable or necessary.

Any such amendment will come into effect and become part of any agreement you have with Supertech Group when notice is given to you of the change by publication on our website. It is your responsibility to check the website often.

How does Supertech Group handle security and privacy on the website?

We endeavour to keep our website secure at all times. We do however advise you that we cannot guarantee the security of any information provided to us or by us through our website, email, internet, or social media. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or unauthorised use or interception of information transmitted via the internet which is beyond our control.

Third party websites

Our website may contain links to other websites outside of the Supertech Group. We are not responsible for the content, privacy or security of other websites.

Social Plugins

We use social plugins of social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter.
Please note that we have no influence on or control over the extent of the data retrieved by the social networks’ interfaces and we can accordingly not to be held responsible or liable for any processing or use of personal information transmitted via these social plugins. For information on the purpose and extent of the data retrieval by the social network concerned, and about the rights and settings possibilities for the protection of your private sphere, please refer to the data protection information provided by the social network in question.

What personal information does Supertech Group collect, and how?

We may collect the following information about you:

  • Your name, address, contact details, date of birth, place of birth, identity number, passport number, details about your employment and financial information;
  • Information about your beneficial owner if we are required to do so in terms of Applicable Laws;
  • Records of correspondence or enquiries from you or anyone acting on your behalf;
  • Details of transactions you carry out with us;
  • Details of contracts, sales or leases you carry out with us;
  • Sensitive or special categories of personal information, including biometric information, such as images, fingerprints and voiceprints.

If you are under 18 please do not provide us with any personal information unless you have the permission of your parent or legal guardian to do so.

How does Supertech Groupcollect information?

You may provide personal information to us either directly or indirectly, by completing an application for our products and services or requesting further information about our products and services, whether in writing, through our website, over the telephone or any other means.

We may receive information about you:

  • When you contact us directly, either via our website, web chat service, our Customer Service teams, by email, telephone or via social media, whether to apply for one of our products or services or to make an enquiry or other request;
  • From other Supertech Group Entities or entities within, or affiliates of, the Supertech Group or our carefully selected business partners who provide products and services under one of our brands;
  • Occasionally from other third parties who may lawfully pass your information on to us.
  • Telephone calls to us may be recorded and/or monitored for training and quality assessment purposes.

How is my personal information processed?

We take the privacy and protection of your personal information very seriously and will only process your personal information in accordance with the Applicable Laws and this Statement.
Accordingly, Supertech Group will comply with the relevant data privacy principles or conditions relating to the processing (including, but not limited to, the collection, handling, transfer, sharing, correction, storage, archiving and deletion) of your personal information set out in Applicable Laws.

Supertech Group employees attend regular data protection training . Your personal information will only be processed for purposes set out in this Statement or if we are entitled to do so under Applicable Laws.

Can Supertech Group retain my information?

We may retain your personal information indefinitely, unless you object, in which case we will only retain it if we are permitted or required to do so in terms of Applicable Laws. However, as a general rule, we will retain your information in accordance with retention periods set out in Applicable Laws, unless we need to retain it for longer for a lawful purpose (for example, for the purposes of complaints handling, legal processes and proceedings).

What rights do I have regarding my personal information?

You have a right in certain circumstances to request the destruction or deletion of and, where applicable, to obtain restriction on the processing of personal information held about you. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us using the contact details set out in our PAIA Manual .
You have a right to object on reasonable grounds to the processing of your personal information where we claim such processing is necessary to pursue our legitimate interests, your legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party to which the information is supplied. We may then stop such processing, unless Applicable Laws provide for such processing.
Can information be shared with third parties?

Can Supertech Groupshare my information?

We may share your personal information with:

  • Other Supertech Group entities, our agents and sub-contractors, third parties who process personal information on our behalf and Supertech Group companies, or affiliates, in South Africa;
  • Our carefully selected business partners , including those who provide products and services under any of our brands;
  • Our service providers and agents who perform services on our behalf;
  • Any person who has agreed or is considering to provide security for your indebtedness, including any surety, guarantor, potential surety or potential guarantor under any finance document who requests such information to evaluate any actual or potential liability under such suretyship or guarantee;
  • A prospective buyer or seller of any of our businesses, assets or debt;
  • A person who acquires substantially all of the assets of a Supertech Group Affiliate;
  • Any person if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal information in order to comply with any Applicable Laws, or to protect the rights, property or safety of Supertech Group, its clients or other third parties;
  • Other lenders or banks, collection agencies, lawyers, accountants, auditors, regulators and law enforcement agencies, to the extent necessary to protect, preserve or enforce Supertech Group’s rights and interests in respect of any agreement or any document or to respond to any legal enquiry or to comply with any regulatory obligation;
  • Any other Supertech Group Affiliate and any assignee or potential assignee of Supertech Group ‘s rights and/or obligations under any agreement or any person with whom any Supertech Group’s Affiliate may otherwise consider entering into a contract in relation to a relevant document; and

We may disclose your personal information to these third parties for any purpose permitted in terms of Applicable Laws, including to-

  • assess and monitor any of your applications for Supertech Group ‘s products or services, including the risk involved to comply with Applicable Laws;
  • determine which products and services may be of interest to you and/or to send you information about such products and services, unless you object or choose not to receive such communications;
  • keep your usual contact within Supertech Group informed of the progress of any new applications for new services or products, and the other way around;
  • have a better understanding of your circumstances and needs to provide and improve Supertech Group’s products and services;
  • comply with Applicable Laws requiring Supertech Group and/or any third party to collect personal information;
  • detect and report fraud and criminal activities, to identify the proceeds of unlawful activities and to combat crime;
  • use for marketing purposes; and
  • make reports to any regulator or supervisory authority, including those in foreign jurisdictions, if Supertech Group is required to do so in terms of Applicable Laws.

We do not share your personal information with any third parties, except if:

  • we are legally permitted or obliged to provide such information for legal or regulatory purposes;
  • we are required to do so for purposes of existing or future legal proceedings;
  • we are selling one or more of our businesses to someone to whom we may transfer our rights under any agreement we have with you;
  • Necessary for purposes of preventing fraud, loss, bribery or corruption;
  • they perform services and process personal information on our behalf;
  • it is required in order to provide or manage any information, products and/or services to you;
  • needed to help us improve the quality of our products and services.

If you do not wish us to disclose this information to third parties, please contact us at the contact details set out herein. We may, however, not be able to provide products or services to you if such disclosure is necessary.

Can I share information with Supertech Group on third Parties?

Where you provide us with the personal information of third parties you should take steps to inform the third party that you need to disclose their details to us and identify us. We will process their personal information in accordance with this Statement. If you give us information on behalf of someone else, you confirm to us that you have their permission to do so and that they are aware of the contents of this Statement and do not have any objection to us processing their information in accordance with this Statement.

What is my personal information used for?

Legal Contractual

  • Legal or contractual purposes;
  • To detect and prevent fraud and money laundering and/or in the interest of security and crime prevention;
  • To conduct sanction party list and politically exposed person screening against any relevant list which Supertech Group may in its sole discretion determine;
  • To verify your identity;
  • To comply with applicable laws, including lawful requests for information received from local or foreign law enforcement, government and tax collection agencies;

Operational & Customer Service

  • To obtain a single view of a customer for all of Supertech Group;
  • To improve your customer experience;
  • To help us improve the quality of our products and services;
  • To provide you with the services, products or offerings you have requested, and to notify you about important changes to these services, products or offerings;
  • To comply with your instructions or requests;
  • For operational, marketing, auditing, legal and record-keeping requirements;
  • To transfer or process your personal information outside of the Republic of South Africa to such countries that may not offer the same level of data protection as the Republic of South Africa, including for cloud storage purposes and the use of any of our websites. We will however only transfer your personal information across South African borders if the relevant situation requires trans-border processing and will do so only in accordance with Applicable Laws.
  • To record, access and/or monitor your telephone calls and electronic communications to/with Supertech Group, including all forms of notifications, correspondence received by or sent from Supertech Group (including its employees, agents or contractors) in order to accurately carry out your instructions and requests, to use as evidence and in the interests of crime prevention and to comply with Applicable Laws;
  • To disclose your personal information to third parties, including other Supertech Group Entities, for reasons set out in this Statement or where it is not unlawful to do so;
  • To conduct surveys; and
  • To improve or evaluate the effectiveness of Supertech Group’s business or products, services or offerings.

We (and these other parties) may contact you by post, telephone, e-mail, SMS and other electronic means, to inform you about services, products and offerings available from Supertech Group, specific Supertech Group Entities, the Supertech Group, or selected third parties, which we believe may be of interest to you, unless you have unsubscribed from receiving such communications . We will only send you marketing communications if we are entitled to do so under Applicable Laws.

Your participation is completely voluntary. You may unsubscribe or opt out from receiving such communications from Supertech Group Entities by accessing your online customer profile by making use of the “Unsubscribe” option available on the relevant communication or by contacting our Customer Contact Centre at any time.

You may also contact us utilising the contact details set out in this Statement if you have previously asked not to receive marketing communications from us but would now like to hear from us with news on Supertech Group products and services.

How do I contact Supertech Group?

You can contact us through the following channels:

Email :;
Telephone: Customer Contact Centre at 031 702 0271; or
Information Officer: Preona Naidoo, E-mail address
Our address: 8 Cliff crescent, Cnr Vusi Mzimela Road (Bellair Rd) and Solomon Mahlangu Drive (Edwin Swales Dr),Bellair, Durban 4094 .

Should you believe that Supertech Group has utilised your personal information contrary to Applicable Laws, you undertake to first attempt to resolve any concerns with Supertech Group. If you are not satisfied with such process, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator, using the contact details listed below:


Can I request information that Supertech Group has about me?

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (“PAIA”). Fees to obtain a copy or a description of personal information held about you are prescribed in terms of PAIA. Confirmation of whether we hold personal information about you may be requested free of charge. If you would like to obtain a copy of your personal information held by Supertech Group, please review our PAIA Manual .